Monday, February 11, 2008

ATWT: Have You Been Watching Porn?

I don’t know about anyone else, but I am just shocked beyond belief that we’ve had four, count ‘em, FOUR days with Luke last week and two with Luke and Noah.

Let’s start with Luke’s interaction with Meg… it’s really, really nice to have more of this type of talking. I remember saying to myself a year ago, “If they can’t continue Luke’s storyline, why can’t they have him do stuff like this for a little while until it resurfaces?” I’m not just glad to see it with Luke, but with just about everyone. I’m sure Meg will be so much better off without Craig OR Paul. It didn’t feel forced at all, which is definitely good since they’re family.

It was fun watching Luke and Noah imagining what their first time would be like. The music department really did a good job with that. The porny music when Luke was describing the locker room fantasy was just too funny. Active imagination, indeed. I also enjoyed this conversation because one of Noah’s big character traits is the fact that he wants to be a filmmaker and likes classic movies, and Luke is an aspiring writer; they’re both in college taking classes for these career choices and I liked how they tied those aspects into it. I like how they don’t want to be stereotypes and that they want to do things their way (cue Laverne & Shirley theme). And the meat double entendres were something else. These two are so doing it soon it’s not even funny.

And it’s always nice seeing more Luke and Lucinda bonding. You know, I really wish Lucinda would stop blaming herself for this whole Evan mess. It’s not her fault that the guy turned out to have a major screw loose. And I couldn’t stand it when Lily was blaming her for the whole thing. Yeah, she’s going to hire someone knowing he’s cuckoo and capable of murder, and she’ll put HERSELF in a hostage situation. Surrrrrrrrrrreeeeee. (cue the eye roll). And can I remark at how idiotic it was for Lily to leave the farm knowing Lucinda’s being held hostage without calling the cops or even telling Holden? It’s not that hard, she knows at least three of them. Heck, Jack’s even her brother-in-law!

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