Friday, April 25, 2008

ATWT: Take that, AFA!

Wednesday, April 23rd:

Maybe it was just me, but I seriously am thinking that Ameera made up the fact that it was her birthday. It just seemed so random and out of the blue. It was also brought up right after Noah mentions how much he misses Luke. Coincidence? I think not.

You know, initially I hated the idea of Luke and Noah shopping for a present for Ameera. But then I realized it’d be a good way for them to be ALONE together for a change, though while the time, gotta love seeing Ameera give herself a makeover. And she doesn’t look so sad to me while doing it either. And towards the end of the shopping scene, oh, my God! Noah says in response to Luke’s question about the I.C.E.? “What about them?” and plants a kiss right on his man! No wait -- several. And we the viewers actually get to SEE it. A REAL kiss scene. How nice it is to see these two do something for themselves.

And we end the day with Noah going home to see Ameera all seductive-like in her dress with her lipstick on and her hair did. I’m not as miffed as I was last week with the second Noah and Ameera kiss. I mean, storyline-wise I hate it still, but considering that Luke and Noah’s affection seems to be treated like they should again these days, I felt better about it. Then there’s the fact that Noah was naturally taken aback, more like grossed out by it all.

Thursday, April 24th:

Yes! Go, Noah! “This can’t happen.” And Ameera running off to the bedroom to cry and pack a bag to go back to Iraq. Do I have sympathy for her? Nope. She knew all along he was gay and that there was no chance. I reiterate the key words from the previous sentence: Gay. No chance. Someone needs to sit this woman down and tell her that you can’t turn a gay guy straight, no matter how hot you look.

I know in some instances I guess I can be considered to be “too nice,” but in this instance, hell no. I would have let her leave after that. I don’t know why Luke kept asking if it was okay for him to move in with Noah and Ameera, especially considering the fact that it is a) Lucinda’s cottage, and b) not a real marriage. Ameera at least had some sense when she said they’re doing this to help her, and what she thinks about Luke’s plan to move in does not matter. Uh, yeah, can’t argue with that.

Now as far as Wednesday’s kiss goes, I seriously cried after seeing it. Not because of the kiss scene itself, but the beauty of it, especially considering how long it’s been. How Noah didn’t give a crap and just planted one on his man. How the fans of this show, the actual loyal friend and true FANS, who wrote in saying that the censorship that was going on with these two is absolutely unacceptable were actually listened to. And I seriously was not expecting it to happen, either. I was saying to myself while rolling my eyes, “Oh, Good Lord, not this crap again,” thinking they’d either cut to another scene as soon as the lips touched, or pan away to a shop sign or something. There was also that hot look that Noah gave when it was all done, which was basically “Yeah, that’s my man!” Then there’s the fact that it was interruption free!

I still don’t like this storyline. I’m sure that will never change. Yes, I still don’t like Ameera. I still hate the way most women are written on this show. Not a fan of the plot holes. I still want Jean Passanante gone like yesterday. I still think Goutman should have gotten down on all fours in order to grovel and beg Martha Byrne to stay on the show. But while I still feel the same way about all those other things, it’s finally nice to see that the show is listening to its fans about something for a change. All a lot of fans were asking for was for kisses and realistic affection when the scenes call for it and for once in seven months, it finally happened. And I certainly hope the show will keep this up in the future. Please, no more droughts. No more B.S.

Off to write letters of support to Procter & Gamble for a change, for what it looks to be like they’re finally getting the program with at least one thing on this show. Ta!

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