Wednesday, March 19, 2008

More GSN Schedule Changes Coming

GSN’s having some more schedule changes take place by the end of March.

Here they are:

9:30 am Blockbusters (Cullen, NBC 1980-82) (replaces Love Connection)
10:00 am Tic Tac Dough (Martindale, Syndie 1978-86) (replaces Let’s Make A Deal)
10:30 am Wheel of Fortune (Sajak/White, Syndie 1983-present) (replaces Press Your Luck)
11:00 am Let’s Make A Deal (Hall, Syndie 1971-77) (replaces Wheel of Fortune)
11:30 am Press Your Luck (CBS 1983-86) (replaces Tic Tac Dough)
3:30 pm Friend or Foe? (replaces I’ve Got A Secret, GSN 2006)
4:00 pm Weakest Link (Robinson, NBC 2000-02) (replaces Weakest Link, (Gray Syndie 2002-03)/Chain Reaction GSN 2006-present)
6:00 pm Russian Roulette (replaces Lingo)
7:00 pm Bingo America (replaces Weakest Link, Robinson, NBC 2000-02)
7:30 pm Lingo (replaces Weakest Link, Robinson, NBC 2000-02)

Interesting that Blockbusters is back on weekdays again, and in the morning as well. As I said in my last entry, I kind of wish this would be put out to pasture after this cycle ends. I never understood them putting it in the afternoons last year in the first place. I love that Tic Tac Dough and Wheel of Fortune are going to be on at 10 am. I absolutely hated having to choose between those shows and The Price Is Right.

Not really a fan of Friend or Foe?. Many regular GSN watchers know that the NBC version of Weakest Link has been run into the ground, but it has gotten a bit of a rest and I would honestly take that over the current Chain Reaction any day of the week. I love that Russian Roulette is coming back. That is one of the three GSN originals I really care for, along with I’ve Got A Secret and Hollywood Showdown. Bingo America is GSN’s newest show. I think it looks good. Hopefully it’ll be better than National Bingo Night. Looks like Lingo is moving back to one of its old timeslots at 7:30 pm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

>>>>>>>"Hopefully it’ll be better than National Bingo Night."

*immediately throws Brandon off a cliff*

Hopefully my butt! National Bingo Night was an absolutely fantastic show and it's a total shame that ABC cancelled it. I'm looking forward to Bingo America as well but I hope it's as good as National Bingo Night or worse, not better.