Saturday, November 14, 2009

GSN: Thanksgiving Deal or No Deal Marathon

Looks like GSN will be filling Thanksgiving and Black Friday this year with plenty of trimmings of Deal or No Deal. Yep, that's right, two days. 9 am-6pm.

Yeah, this is really ridiculous. And my negativity does not simply stem from my dislike of the nighttime version… although that is a part of it. But no show period, classic or modern, should ever have this much exposure. This is almost up there with the TVLand 48-hour type marathons. And let’s not forget the fact that a) this is not the first time the show has been featured with a lengthy marathon since its acquiring several months ago and b) the show now comes on at least 3 hours daily and I’m sure the show has cycled around more than twice by now. One other thing to consider… this is also not a show with thousands of episodes to spare either.

This is nothing but overkill.

1 comment:

Michael F said...

This is an overkilled turkey of a marathon schedule!

Deal or No Deal already gets a "marathon" practically every day of the week, with the show being aired so much.