Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Thursday, March 27th:

Something the writers did ticked me off yet again. During Parker’s trial, the attempted rape of Carly was brought up and this freaked Ameera out so she walked out of the room. Of course, Noah follows her. Now was this situation addressed at all? Hardly. WHY did Ameera walk out? Was she raped? Was someone close to her raped? This is just like how Ameera said Noah was her brother at the hospital, complete with the suspenseful music cue, Luke’s suspicious stare, and fade to black... and it wasn’t addressed afterwards. This show should know better with serious revealing moments like that.

While I grew impatiently sick of this whole Sam storyline, it was finally nice to see some more interaction featuring Luke and Noah and some of the other Snyders.

Monday, March 31st:

Poor Emma put on the spot by the ICE agent. Looks like they forgot the detail of the bedrooms... you know, just in case they'd randomly drop by. And that agent was way over the top. And speaking of him, where was this guy's behind a couple weeks back during the day of the sham wedding, so it'd at least make a half bit of sense for the Snyder family to have been so ridiculously cheerful about that whole charade? And Luke, as us fans know, it sucks that you can't kiss your boyfriend (in this case, in public). It was just a matter of time before the frustrations started to be addressed. And Ameera feels responsible. "It's all my fault." Yep. Can't disagree with that one bit.

The Luke/Noah/Casey scenes towards the end I found to be entertaining. Just as I was about to write this episode off as another dud, something finally grabs my attention. It’s so fun to finally see Luke happier for once. It never once crossed my mind that Luke would come up with the idea of having Casey to pretend to be his boyfriend. This storyline has been for the most part to me very grating for several different reasons and it's about time that we got a laugh out of it.

Apparently Luke and Casey are closer friends than we thought. They have failed for the most part to have Luke interact with the rest of the teen set in the past year or so, so I’m sure for some viewers, like myself, writers, you seriously could have fooled us.

And Ameera… tsk, tsk, tsk… how selfish are WE being right now? I mean, seriously. The reason why Luke, Noah, and now apparently Casey who seems to like her are in this whole mess in the first place FOR HER so she can get her citizenship. Where does she get off saying that she’s the only one in the foursome that doesn’t get what she wants? Please! Want some cheese with that wine? Gimme a break, girlfriend!

One thing I dislike about this storyline was very evident today. Noah and Ameera quickly marry then the agent comes by almost right after. This is moving somewhat fast. Why does Luke and Noah’s story move so quickly while Carly or Katie’s latest escapades move like molasses?

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